There’s no “I” in “team.” Or “party,” for that matter. So why do so many Big Game hosts tackle football’s biggest watch party by themselves?

Inspired by the Big Game’s Vegas debut and Pernod Ricard’s deep bench of iconic brands, Arc crafted a portfolio program to help party hosts Cover the Spread – the food and drink spread, that is.
A digital party planning hub developed by Arc and Million Dollar Media layered extra functionality onto a standard sweepstakes entry page. By scanning the QR code on POS, shoppers could instantly create their own party, invite friends, and even flag specific Pernod Ricard cocktails for them to bring.
“Talk about a win-win,” said Matt Denten, EVP Creative Director at Arc. “Cover the Spread solved two big problems. Hosts could be sure they’d have drinks that everybody liked, and guests knew exactly what to bring. Because nobody’s showing up to a party empty handed, right?”
When the party is a team event, winning should be too. So, as an added incentive, every time a guest joined a party’s page, the host scored an extra entry into the cash sweepstakes. On game day, five lucky parties split the $50,000 jackpot.

Have no fear. Bar-goers weren’t left on the sidelines. Starting with the playoffs, a roster of football-inspired cocktails hit menus – and coasters. Hundreds of fans watching the Big Game from a barstool with a Jameson® Limebacker or Malibu® Field Golada in hand were thrilled when Pernod Ricard picked up the tab at the end of the night.
Looks like the real MVP of this year’s Big Game wasn’t even on the field.
As always, enjoy responsibly and forward content to those of legal drinking age only.